New Moon in Gemini

On Saturday, June 6 at 7:37am CDT, we experience the New Moon in Gemini. As always, New Moons are an opportunity for a new beginning - to reflect, refresh, and reset. This New Moon in particular highlights the Gemini themes of communication and curiosity. This is a time to be open to new ways of learning, and to engage in deep thinking. 

During this time, we are called to address any issues we are having with self-worth and emotional vulnerability. This is a time to release limiting beliefs that are contributing to self-doubt and holding you back from living as your highest self. Lean into self-expression, and through open and honest communication, it is possible to strengthen your relationships with yourself and others. 

Gemini’s enthusiastic and flighty energy can at times cause feelings of anxiety or overwhelm - allow yourself to feel them, but don’t get stuck on them. As you prepare to set intentions for this New Moon, be sure to take time to get into the right headspace through meditation and self-reflection. Use these journal prompts to guide your process. 

Journal Prompts:

  • Where do you feel stuck?

  • Where is your mind wandering?

  • What limiting beliefs are preventing you from thriving?

  • What commitments in your life are helping you live as your most authentic self? What commitments are holding you back from doing so?


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Get grounded and find nourishment with the New Moon in Taurus